30 March 2017

Pool time at the Resort

From the previous post about Night Life in Simpson Bay, mentioning the Italian restaurant "Sale&Pepe", my sister and I decided to go to the restaurant and buy some food. On this day, there wasn't any planned activities and was a free day. We planned to buy Italian food and then go swimming in the main pool, upon entering the Italian restaurant, we were greeted with friendliness and warm smiles which was rather nice. Whilst talking to the attendant, she noticed our "accent" and asked where we came from and said Trinidad and she smiled and said she knew a few Trinidadian people. When finished ordering, the total came up to US $36 and she charged us only US $30.

After eating, gathered all our stuff and made our way down to the pool. The atmosphere at the pool was wonderful, everyone was friendly and there won't any problems at all. We swam from one end of the pool to the other multiple times enjoying every minute of it. Taking pictures and underwater videos made our free day so much better. Individuals at the pool even came over and talked to us for a while because they heard our "accent" and wanted to know where we were from. Telling them we both were from Trinidad and yet again the infamous question popped up, "Why are you here, isn't Carnival going on right now in your country". Informing them that not everyone in Trinidad celebrates Carnival, which to them was a strange thing to hear.

As we begun to get tired we got out of the pool, washed off, ate,drank and watched the sunset at the harbor counting our remaining days at the resort, which we tried not to count because to be honest, we honestly didn't want to come back home...at least not right away. But time flies and we knew we'd have to get that into the routine of setting up late at night to do assignments for our Masters.

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