11 June 2018

It's been quite sometime since I last posted here,
But please feel free to visit the link

11 April 2017

Last day in St. Marten / St. Maarten

Our last day in St. Martin / St. Maarten was a bit sad simply because we weren't ready to leave. We started our day like any other day at the resort, then had a group meeting where we discussed what time we needed to check-out which was 10 am. So my sister, our friend, the pastor, his wife and I decided to go into town to do some last minute shopping.

Whilst in town, we saw a lot of things that we wanted to buy that wasn't seen before. It's rather funny how when you're in a rush you see almost everything you want. But whilst shopping, hunger struck and the decision was made to stop by the best jerk chicken place in Phillipsburg which was "The Original Jerk & Roti House" located on Back Street. After eating, the shopping continued without us noticing the time and upon realizing the time, the pastor and his wife decided that they wanted to do more shopping and asked us to give them five minutes again.

Seven minutes passed and the pastor and his wife weren't anywhere in sight, so my sister, our friend and I decided to leave because time was running out. We frantically looked for maxi to carry us back to the resort, and whilst on the way, the drawbridge was opening up again to allow boats coming in for the Heineken Regatta, so we were stuck in traffic for a while which didn't help our situation. Upon reaching the resort we were told our keycards were unregistered because we missed the check-out by two hours.

The shuttle driver had to escort us to our rooms for us to gather our stuff and once we got into our room we changed our clothes and proceeded to check-out. When we got to the airport, there was a problem being that the flight was overbooked so some individuals had to stay back. Earlier on in the day my sister and I checked in online so we didn't have that problem.

Once our luggage was taken, we ventured around the airport and took pictures, bought food and looked back at our adventure on this beautiful Caribbean island. All in all, it was a vacation well spent and if given the opportunity to go back to St. Martin / St. Maarten, I'd be back there in a heartbeat. The next place I'll be visiting will most likely be Costa Rica.

                                                               THANK YOU
For all the support and encouragement which allowed me to bring THIS CHAPTER of the blog to completion.

9 April 2017

Swimming with the fishes

One of our goals when going to St.Martin was to try out some of the water sports that they provided. There was scuba diving, snorkeling, wave boarding, and jet skiing amongst others that we thought about doing. Whilst in St.Martin, we did everything and almost forgot what it is we really wanted to do, so on the second to last day got up early, I prepared breakfast and then headed to the lobby and arranged to go snorkeling for 1:30 pm. After making the arrangements to go snorkeling, my sister, her friend and I made our way into town to do some more shopping.

As time went, quickly realized that we needed to make our way back to the resort and gather the necessary stuff to go snorkeling. On the way back, we got stuck in traffic simply because of the drawbridge that had just opened up to allow the boats that were passing through coming in for the Heineken Regatta. As we sat there, waiting for the bridge to close we watched the time go from 12:00 to 12:30 and then 12:30 to 1:00 and then the bridge had begun to start to close.

 It was at this moment that we knew that there was a high probability that we would miss our trip to go snorkeling. Upon reaching to the resort we ran like we've never ran before to gather our stuff to make it to the harbor. Making it down to the harbor, at exactly 1:28 pm we rushed to get registered only to find out that the captain was running a little late.Once the captain arrived, we loaded the boat and made way to the snorkeling point. On the way, we met two people who were friendly and we all got along making the trip even better.

Upon reaching our destination, we geared up and went snorkeling.For those who have never snorkeled before, it is something you must absolutely put on your to-do list and is a site to behold.

After snorkeling, we made our way back to the resort, but before that, we made a brief stop at a nude beach because my sister and I jumped off the boat swam to the shore then back to the boat again. It was daring and brave to jump off the boat and swim all the way to the shore, only to swim back to the boat which was FAR from the shore but nonetheless it was an experience.

After swimming back to the boat, we kept on moving until we had reached to the drawbridge mentioned earlier on in this post. The drawbridge had opened to allow more Heineken Regatta competitors in from all parts of the world, like South Africa, Russia, Italy, Uruguay, Puerto Rico amongst many other countries. Upon reaching back to the resort, we took a group picture to remember that day and the new friends we made.